Our band was formed in November 1997, when a number of former musicians of the Wirral Schools' Brass Band decided that they wanted to continue to play music together. The Wirral is not very well populated with brass bands and the WBE provides the perfect opportunity for, predominantly younger musicians, who live in the area, to meet together and play brass band music. The ensemble currently consists of players who are aged between 15 and 26, and at present rehearse during the university holidays. A typical year for the WBE begins at Christmas with some small Christmas concerts and the much loved!!!!! busking sessions at local supermarkets. This is where most of the funds for the remainder of the year are raised. Then after our AGM during New Year, with the plans for the year determined, we hold a few rehearsals over the Easter period to try out the new pieces and generally catch up. Summer then sees the band at its busiest. With many then home from university we hold weekly rehearsals (often followed by a visit to the local pub) to prepare for the big annual concert. Previous years have seen joint concerts with the CariBBean Sound Steel Band at St. Andrews Community Centre in Wallasey (our weekly rehearsal venue.) This year, with Miss Gabrielle Horne as our guest conductor, we are looking forward to our summer concert which is to be held at St. Andrew's Community Centre in aid of St. John's Hospice. This we are hoping will be a joint venture with a local quartet. |
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